
Standard VS Happiness...

I'm Swedish, and grew up in the Swedish standardized norms society. Sweden is one of the countries with the highest standard of values ​​when it comes to accommodation & living.

   1965 was a parliamentary decision, to start the "Million Programme" which is the term for housing in Sweden during the period 1965-1975. The goal was to quickly build a million homes (note that in Sweden, lived about 8 million people) to improve housing standards. (They even have standards for how high a sink should be, how far it is between certain surfaces in the kitchen, all to improve and enhance standard for everyone.)
Normal standard for washing / drying clothes  in our houses in Sweden

From this highly developed country  I move about 6 years ago, to live in  Spain instead. And in the case of standard, it felt like I moved back to the-30's! Here are bad kitchens, no tumble dryer, drying rooms, etc., instead we hang our  laundry to dry outside the windows and balconies. (actually super good for the natural resources and mother earth)
My flat in Barcelona, Landry on dry

And soon I will then take a few more steps back when it comes to standard :)
I checked just images from the  monastery in Nepal were I will volunteer to work, and there are no washing machines etc,  here I will  wash by hand.

But on the other hand, Sweden has the highest statistics of suicide! Think about it guys.

You can not standardize luck! And I've already made my choice. How are you doing?

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